Let’s try and agree on new transport schemes

There has to be a better way to implement new transport schemes, than making two sets of campaigners, fight it out.


The contentious Eastbourne Seaside bus lanes, which have now been agreed by East Sussex County Council (ESCC), still have to be redrawn and then go back to the Department for Transport , for a third time, for final sign off. Large amounts of money have already been spent on redesigning, two consultations, micro modelling traffic flows, health and safety and equality assessments . All this while nothing has been built and a year has gone by.

Non Bus Lane Options

However is seems that outside of the formal process it is possible for the various campaigning sides to agree what they think would work.

In terms of the £41M Bus Service Improvement Programme (BSIP) measures this includes:-

A scheme, proposed in the BSIP consultation, of a 100m ‘bus gate’ at then end of Atlantic Drive and the Crumbles, that would join the North and South harbours for buses. Perhaps a modified version of the 5 and 5A could then run along the seafront and through the harbour. This could lead to a faster and more regular service for the new housing developments.

Priority Traffic Lights for buses, where they actively change the lights, to let them through. You can see the idea at Huggetts Lane in Willingdon , where lights miss a phase if nobody wants to turn right or the green light stays longer if more traffic is on one direction. This makes the traffic flow better. Now add in the detection of buses and perhaps have longer, or earlier green phases. Of course the other vehicles on the same carriageway would also benefit. ESCC have £1.5M for 34 locations where there will be priority lights. Let us make the most of these time savings.

These are both examples of widespread support. There is then less likelihood of campaigners disagreeing and more of the tight budget will be spent on actually building schemes.


The same idea should also be used for cycle routes, where there is a often a consensus, that off-road routes do not cause issues for motor vehicles. Such successful schemes include Horsey Sewer, Cuckoo Trail and the A27 shared path to Firle. So let us prioritise these where possible, instead of contentious and poorly configured solutions that are ‘shoehorned’ into narrow spaces on roads and footways.

Based on letter in Eastbourne Herald and Sussex Express ( on line)

Paul Humphreys – EEAN Transport Group

Bus Lane Consultation – Seaside and St Anthony’s


Guest Blog by David Everson – Chair of the EEAN Transport Group

Information for those wishing to complete the ESCC Bus Priority Measures consultation for Seaside and St Anthony’s, Eastbourne, which closes on 18th August 2024.

The consultation documentation can be found by following the link below.
Bus Priority Consultation

The EEAN Transport Group support the revised proposals for Bus Priority Measures and would encourage as many people as possible to support the plans in a positive way.

As we look to the future, we need to encourage the use of mass transport systems such as buses to reduce congestion on our roads. Bus can be used by most people including the young and old who are not able to drive a car, or other sections of the community who cannot afford to drive.

Key points 

  • The plan to spend £3 million is a significant investment for Eastbourne and will help the town move towards sustainable transport in the long term.
  • The plan will reduce bus journey times through the proposed bus lane area particularly at peak times making bus use a more attractive option for travellers.
  • The introduction of several pedestrian crossings will improve pedestrian safety and assist those who walk to bus stops.
  • The bus lanes will take up some road space and the amount of parking along Seaside will be reduced. However, surveys carried out by ESCC indicate that sufficient parking will remain for both residents and local businesses.
  • Traffic flow through the project area will be eased and so reduce congestion along Seaside and St Anthony’s. This will make buses more reliable.
  • If passenger numbers increase due to the bus priority measures, then bus companies will be more likely to invest in more buses on routes.
  • If buses are not hindered by congestion, then it is much more likely that bus companies will invest in electric buses which will assist in efforts to decarbonise our transport and improve air quality.
  • There is no evidence that the introduction of a bus lane will damage the viability of local businesses, in fact studies have shown that bus lanes can increase footfall for businesses along routes.
  • Eastbourne is one of the most car dependant towns in the South East of England and the provision of bus lanes will encourage people on to the buses.

August 2024


Are we Solving Eastbourne’s Transport Crisis?

Derrick Coffee writes to the Eastbourne Herald and explains the dangers of ignoring Eastbourne’s transport crisis

Derrick Coffee, County Officer for Transport Futures East Sussex, has written an open letter to Eastbourne Herald, explaining the dangers of ignoring Eastbourne’s developing transport crisis – and what we can do to fix it.

Dear Editor,

Lots of transport issues and some opportunities are discussed in your edition of 20th August. These topics included the Bus Service Improvement Plan, five proposed cycle routes, ‘paid for parking’, and £250,000 funding for ‘traffic signal controlled junctions’.

With the transport sector being the largest emitter of carbon in the UK, and the international Climate Change ‘Conference of the Parties’ (COP26) only weeks away, all of the topics mentioned should have a part to play in securing measures to bring UK carbon emissions down. If successful, the biggest winners will be all children – and babies born after any successful commitments coming out of the COP26 gathering: but, we’ll all be winners!

Planning for Better Buses

A young Black woman sits in a bus, wearing a mask.

First, the buses. The Government’s own advisers warn against the simple notion that swapping petrol and diesel for electric vehicles is the answer. Congestion, casualties, sprawling ‘land hungry’ car based developments, ugly streets, habitat destruction and unhealthy inactive lifestyles would continue. Eastbourne and Wealden councils should collaborate on creating more forward-thinking solutions.

If successful, the biggest winners will be all children

Competition between richer nations for precious resources in vehicle and battery manufacture will cause conflict and environmental degradation. The  answers have to include shared transport, active travel and efficient and well designed urban development. (Current developments don’t have those characteristics!).

Shared transport means buses, trains and car clubs. The BSIP should include a whole range of incentives to increase bus usage including expanded services and new routes. Above all, the buses need priority measures such as bus lanes to speed up services and beat congestion. These already remove thousands of cars daily from the A259 through Peacehaven.

Transport Futures: Safe Cycle Routes

Cycling routes offer a solution to transport problems, but only if the routes are kept safe.

Cycle routes – yes please. But these must be measured against their ability to allow children to cycle to school and for the rest of us to access our daily needs. The 5 routes will help but more routes are needed with default 20mph limits in residential areas and on some sections of main roads.

However, without speed restrictions, parents will not allow their children to cycle. Frequent poor and threatening driving styles depress levels of cycling and walking, and must be eliminated. Acoustic cameras should be installed to remove aggressive and illegally loud vehicles. Furthermore, walking routes are also crucial and flared junctions should be narrowed, roundabouts redesigned to reduce entry/exit speeds, and pedestrian/cycle priority across junctions in residential areas should be adopted town wide. 

The Real Cost of Free Parking in the Transport Debate

Free parking may seem like a great idea, but the policy can cause increased pollution and congestion.

Parking? Too much cheap or free parking causes congestion and makes all other more sustainable forms of transport unpleasant or inefficient. Politicians love to promise freedom to park anywhere for free but they all know it will lead to gridlock. It’s not a very inefficient use of the precious resource: land. No-one wants more traffic. The £250,000 for ‘signal controlled junctions’ could be used to speed up the buses and to give pedestrians and cyclists priority. Prioritising sustainable transport locally is also shown to reduce longer car journeys, reducing the need for damaging road projects such as an off-line A27.

Leaders at all levels of government should be loudly proclaiming support for the objectives of COP26 (reducing carbon emissions; restoring habitats and increasing biodiversity) and measures to deliver them. The Herald could publish articles featuring transport and planning proposals and rate them out of 10 for eco friendliness!

Did this article interest you? Find out more about Eastbourne transport issues by joining our Transport Group!

Derrick Coffee

County Officer, Transport Futures East Sussex

Images: PA Media & Pxhere