Bus Lane Consultation – Seaside and St Anthony’s


Guest Blog by David Everson – Chair of the EEAN Transport Group

Information for those wishing to complete the ESCC Bus Priority Measures consultation for Seaside and St Anthony’s, Eastbourne, which closes on 18th August 2024.

The consultation documentation can be found by following the link below.
Bus Priority Consultation

The EEAN Transport Group support the revised proposals for Bus Priority Measures and would encourage as many people as possible to support the plans in a positive way.

As we look to the future, we need to encourage the use of mass transport systems such as buses to reduce congestion on our roads. Bus can be used by most people including the young and old who are not able to drive a car, or other sections of the community who cannot afford to drive.

Key points 

  • The plan to spend £3 million is a significant investment for Eastbourne and will help the town move towards sustainable transport in the long term.
  • The plan will reduce bus journey times through the proposed bus lane area particularly at peak times making bus use a more attractive option for travellers.
  • The introduction of several pedestrian crossings will improve pedestrian safety and assist those who walk to bus stops.
  • The bus lanes will take up some road space and the amount of parking along Seaside will be reduced. However, surveys carried out by ESCC indicate that sufficient parking will remain for both residents and local businesses.
  • Traffic flow through the project area will be eased and so reduce congestion along Seaside and St Anthony’s. This will make buses more reliable.
  • If passenger numbers increase due to the bus priority measures, then bus companies will be more likely to invest in more buses on routes.
  • If buses are not hindered by congestion, then it is much more likely that bus companies will invest in electric buses which will assist in efforts to decarbonise our transport and improve air quality.
  • There is no evidence that the introduction of a bus lane will damage the viability of local businesses, in fact studies have shown that bus lanes can increase footfall for businesses along routes.
  • Eastbourne is one of the most car dependant towns in the South East of England and the provision of bus lanes will encourage people on to the buses.

August 2024


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